Women’s Health Physiotherapy

We’re strong advocates for women’s health and we believe women should feel supported throughout all life stages. Women’s health physiotherapy aims to provide women with the physical and mental strength to tackle conditions, either pre-existing or age-related.

Core offers rehabilitation, support, and education with:

Core offers rehabilitation, support, and education with:

  • Pelvic floor dysfunction and concerns
  • Bladder concerns, including leakages, increased frequency, urgency
  • Bowel concerns, including incontinence, constipation, pain, or straining
  • Pre- and post-natal assessments and care
  • Prolapse
  • Sexual function, including painful intercourse
  • Reproductive concerns, including endometriosis, PCOS, and adenomyosis
  • Menopause
  • Post-pelvic, abdominal, and breast surgery
  • Osteoporosis and osteopenia management
  • General health and wellbeing
  • Clinical Pilates (group and 1:1 sessions available)

We also offer intensive pelvic floor rehabilitation packages with 3, 6 or 9 sessions. Contact us to learn more about these services.

Book Your Physiotherapy Appointment

Whether you have an acute injury, back and neck pain, a sports injury, a work or motor-vehicle accident, or require post-surgical rehabilitation, or chronic pain management, our physicians can assist you with professional yet nurturing hands.

Book your appointment here, or get in touch with our friendly team to find out more.

Multiple locations across Brisbane,Logan and the Gold Coast


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The Importance of Early Intervention Physiotherapy

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Understanding Shin Splints: Causes, Symptoms, and Effective Treatments

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