physiotherapist Brisbane

Joel McPhee

Located: Banyo & Corinda

Joel completed a Bachelor of Physical Education (BPhEd) double majoring in Sport Science and Exercise Prescription; and a double degree in Bachelor of Science in Psychology from the Otago University in Dunedin, NZ. He also has a Masters in Physiotherapy (MPhtySt) from the University of Queensland and is an Exercise and Sport Science Australia (ESSA) Accredited Exercise Physiologist.

Joel brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to our team, having worked in both private and occupational rehabilitation. Clinically, Joel has extensive experience in workplace injury assessment and treatment as well as rehabilitation of all injuries and conditions including sports, spinal, shoulder and lower limb, persistent pain and functional rehabilitation (hydrotherapy and gym based exercise programs).  He also oversees our Core Sports Physiotherapy program and is heavily involved in the mentoring of our clinical staff.

Expertise in:
Sports Injury Assessment, Treatment and Rehabilitation
Orthopaedic Rehabilitation
Persistent Pain and Complex Work Injury Management Services
Functional Rehabilitation – Aquatic and Gym based